Thursday 7 March 2019

AvSMART Explained

SMART, Simple Supplier Self-audits

If you've heard about AvSMART but wonder what it's all about, or if it's news to you, here's a couple of diagrams I hope will explain.  The first is a much simplified illustration of the traditional, paper-based self-audit method of information gathering. This is used by airline and MRO purchasing and quality departments to ascertain a supplier's approval status and quality procedures. We show four buyers and suppliers - in reality there are hundreds of buyers and suppliers worldwide - each one sending or completing these forms, resulting in much paper, time and energy wasted.  Since this task is repeated every 2 years, that's an even bigger cost to each business.

The diagram below shows how AvSMART has simplified this task.  Just one, standardised self-audit form is completed by a supplier, and this is available for all customers to view and add to their "MyAvSMART" list.  When updates are made by a supplier, e.g. new certificates added, a process change, or at annual review, automatic notifications are received by buyers detailing which fields of the audit and which certificates have altered.

With the paper based method, unless pro-actively sought or supplied, any changes may not be communicated between audits. This is usually every 2 years. A lot can change in that time. AvSMART clients update at least once a year, and as often as changes occur. Using AvSMART, you have "at a glance" visibility of the self-audit status, and can be confident you have the most recent information. 

Buyers can create a login and password here, and start selecting fully registered suppliers today.

Suppliers, please take advantage of the 3-month free of charge trial currently running.  See how much time you can save and register today.

AvSMART - Aviation Supplier Monitoring and Approvals in Real Time

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